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in Matsu

July 18-20, 2007 Tour for
Chinese Crested Tern (Matsu Tern)
Bev Day, O.W.L. Orphaned Wildlife
Rehabilitation Society, Canada, visits Taiwan Endemic Species
Research Institute

Spring Migration of the Gray-face
Buzzard in the Central and Southern Taiwan in 2005

Earth Day, Taipei, April 22, 2007
Earth Day, 2007 was celebrated on April 22, in Bali Park, on
the shore of the broad Damshui River, in northwest Taipei County. The
Taiwan International Birding Society’s booth was very popular, especially
with children, who were eager to cast their ballots for National Bird.
Earth Day Taipei Photos
Rare Bird: Eurasian Eagle Owl
A Eurasian Eagle Owl, Bubo bubo, appeared from time to
time during May and early June, 2007, at the harbor of Kaohsiung. This is a
first record for Taiwan.
The Eurasian Eagle Owl is one of the world’s largest and most
powerful owls; length 58-71 cm (23 -28 inches), and wingspan of 1.53–1.82 m
(5–6 feet). It is widespread but rather rare. Its breeding range is from
Europe eastward across
Russia to the Pacific,
south to Iran and Pakistan; across to China and Korea. Its habitat is
chiefly remote rocky areas, river valleys, ravines, quarries; but also open
forest, Taiga, steppe and semi desert.
2007 Birding Tour for Chinese Crested Tern (Matsu
Birds in Taiwan – New
Species Account:
Brownish-flanked Bush-Warbler,
Yellowish-bellied Bush-Warbler,
Common Snipe,
Eurasian Teal
Birds in Taiwan – New
Species Account :
Peregrine Falcon
Peregrine Falcon Story
The Falcons of Kaohsiung Part 1
The Falcons of Kaohsiung Part 2
Abstracts of ornithological masters’ theses from Taiwan, 1977–2003
Birds in Taiwan – New Species
Account: Osprey; and An Osprey Story.
Gray-Faced Buzzard Migration – Daily Tally by Changhua Wild Bird Society
A Brief History of Grey-Faced
Buzzard Conservation in Taiwan
November (6)7–19, 2006
November (6)7–19, 2006
Candido describes the National Bird Campaign Vote Choices
Jo Ann MacKenzie describes
the National Bird Campaign Vote Choices
Butler describes the National Bird Campaign Vote Choices
Hank Tseng Art Gallery Updated
Liao Pen Shing Art Gallery Updated
Kuo K.K. Art Gallery Updated
Birds In Taiwan - New Species Accounts
Little Egret,
Chinese Goshawk,
Brown-headed Thrush,
Northern Pintail,
Great Cormorant,
Black Kite,
Dusky Fulvetta,
Plain Prinia,
Rufous-capped Babbler,
Eastern Marsh Harrier
Cattle Egret,
Common Kestrel,
Eurasian Wigeon,
Fork-tailed or Pacific Swift,,Garganey,Intermediate
Lesser Coucal,
Little Grebe,
Northern Shoveler,
Pale Thrush,
Russet Sparrow,
Great Egret8u
Scheduled Birding Tour Updates
July 18-20, 2007 Tour for
Chinese Crested Tern (Matsu Tern)
Nov 5-18,
Birds In Taiwan - New Species Accounts
Striated Prinia,
Varied Tit,
House Swift,
Barred Buttonquail
Phil Rostron on Birding in Taiwan
Birds In Taiwan - New Species Accounts
Ijima’s Leaf-Warbler,
Maroon Oriole,
Black-crowned Night Heron,
Cinnamon Bittern,
Yellow Bittern,
Streak-throated Fulvetta,
White-throated Laughingthrush,
Birding Story -
Mark Wilkie on Birding in Taiwan
Xie Wen-Yu Art Gallery Added
Birds In Taiwan - New Species Accounts
Spot-billed Duck,
White-tailed Robin,
Vinous-throated Parrotbill
Mountain Scops-Owl,
Grey-headed Bullfinch,
Green-backed Tit,
in Aowanda
Huang Wen-Hsin Gallery Updated
2006 Trip Photos
Report: BIRDING IN TAIWAN, May. 1-14, 2006
1-14, 2006
Birding Story - Dave & Carol Roelen on Birding in Taiwan
Birding Story - Peter Candido - Re-Tern to Taiwan
Invitation to Taiwan to see the
rediscovered Chinese Crested Tern!

Tsu-Sze Temple, Sanshia
The Tsu-Sze
(“Divine Ancestor”)
popularly known as the
Sanshia Bird Temple,
situated in Sanshia, Taipei County, is one of the most magnificent temples
in Taiwan.
It is a Taoist temple, dedicated to
Chingshuei TSu-Sze (real name Chen Tsao-Yin), born in China during
the Sung Dynasty (960–1279). He became a famous general and was knighted as
“Protector of the Country” for his achievements and valour. Subsequently,
he came to be called Chingshuei Tsu-Sze for establishing the Chingshuei Yan
Memorial Temple in Anshi County, China. Hundreds of years later, when
people migrated from that area, they brought a statue of Chingshuei Tsu-Sze
with them to enshrine as guardian spirit in a new temple that they
constructed in the place known today as Sanshia (Sansia, San-Hsia, San Xia),
More About Tsu-Sze Temple, Sanshia
About Us |
Taiwan International Birding Association was formally registered as
a not-for-profit society on May 21, 2005, at a meeting at the Council of
Agriculture, Taipei,
Taiwan. Officers elected: Yang Chung-tse, Chairman; Lin Maw-nan, Vice
Chairman; Tso Chien-hui, Executive Secretary; Zheng Shu-kai/Kerry Zheng,
objective is to encourage birding eco-tourism in
TIBA was
first organized as the International Taiwan Birding
Association in July, 2003, in Richmond, British Columbia, Canada.
Officers appointed were: Simon Liao, President; Dr. Robert Butler and
Dr. Shing Kuo Shih, Vice Presidents; Jo Ann MacKenzie, Executive
Secretary; Karen Shih, Treasurer. After TIBA came into being in Taiwan,
ITBA continued to operate as a parallel branch in Canada. On March 17,
2007, ITBA merged with TIBA, and remains as the Canadian chapter, under
the name of the
International Birding Association (Canada).
The class and culture that is inherent in every game of
Major Sponsors
in Matsu
Wild Bird
Federation Taiwan |
Council of
Agriculture, Taiwan |
Wild Bird Society |

CPC Corporation, Taiwan |
Information Office, Taiwan
Taipei Economic & Cultural Office, San Francisco
in Taiwan Breaking News
Chinese Crested Tern in
Taiwan: 2007 Update
Good news this year from the Matsu Tern Reserve about
Chinese Crested (Matsu)
Tern, Thalasseus bernsteinii: 13 have been
observed in the Reserve. Surveys found that there were 4
pairs and 1 chick on Sanlianyu Islet, and 3 pairs and one
chick on Shershan (Snake Mountain) Islet, off the west cost
of Sijyu Island, Jyuguang Township. This is the greatest
number since 2004, and the second greatest number overall.
These photographs were taken by
Liao Pen-shing on July 22.
History of the Chinese Crested (Matsu)
Tern in the Matsu Tern Reserve:
12 – 4 pairs, each with 1 chick;
1 – adult, disappeared;
9 – 3 pairs, each with 1 chick;
2 – adults, breeding success unknown;
15 – 6 breeding pairs on two islands; 3 chicks observed;
2005: 2 – adults, breeding success unknown;
8 – 2 pairs, 3 chicks, 1 yearling on Sanlianyu Islet.
2007: 13
– 4 pairs, 1 chick on Sanlianyu Islet; 3 adults, 1 chick on
Shershan Islet.

On June 30th, 2007,
Wang Chien-hua and Chen Teng-chuang witnessed and took
pictures of 4 pairs of Chinese Crested Tern on Sher

On July 10th, 2007,
Wang Chien-hua captured a picture of Chinese Crested Tern at
Chingfan Port
Wang Chienhua Captured a
Picture of Chinese Crested Tern at Chingfan Port, Sijyu
Island, in the Matsu Archipelago
[Matsu Daily Newspaper] “The
number of terns has significantly increased this year”, as
Wang Chien-hua—the principal of Tungchu Elementary School
said. Due to the recent boosted quantity of small fish
around ports, the chances of catching fish have increased,
which also attracts terns from Sher Mountain* to prey on the
fish for food. So, you may have a chance to capture pictures
of the “mythical bird” by just picking up your camera.
Wang Chien-hua said that he was
originally going to take a boat to look for terns, but due
to the stormy wind from the south, the boat was unable to
depart. Nevertheless, he took a walk to Chingfan Port
remembering that he had heard someone mention seeing Chinese
Crested Terns around ports. On the way to Chingfan Port, he
casually took some pictures of terns that flew from Sher
Mountain to feed on the recently increased schools of fish.
He said: “Perhaps I was lucky. When I checked the random
pictures that I took, I realized that I had just taken a
photo of the Chinese Crested Tern!”
This summer, you may not have
to take a boat to Sher Mountain for tern-watching.
Chingfan Port and Kunchiu Beach could be the place where
you have your first encounter with Chinese Crested Tern!
* “Snake Mountain” is an islet
off the west coast of Sijyu Island. |
Chinese Crested Terns (Matsu Tern), Sterna bernsteini, have

During a survey on
June 21, 2007, Chang Shou-hwa located three pairs of
Crested Terns (Matsu Tern)
on Xijyu Shershan
islet in the Matsu Tern Reserve. Survey work will continue to
look for any more of these extremely rare terns and monitor their
activities during the breeding season.

On May 20, 2007, Legislator Tien
Chiu-chin met with a Birding in Taiwan group in Taipei.
The birders were an international group, from Canada,
Mexico, Taiwan and the United
States. The birders had been traveling in Taiwan for two weeks
and had visited every county (except Yilan), and had also gone to
Lanyu Island.
TIBA Goes to the
2007 Fair

The Taiwan International
Birding Association will again represent Taiwan at the
British Birdwatching Fair, 17–19 August, to be held in the
Egleton Nature Reserve, Rutland Water, Oakham,
United Kingdom. Legislator Tien Chiu-Chin and Jo Ann MacKenzie
invite you to attend a talk on “Birding in
Taiwan —
Chinese Crested Tern” on Friday, August 17, 12:00–12:20
p.m. in the Lecture Marquee.
look forward to seeing old friends and making new ones this year.
National Bird Vote Results

The Taiwan National Bird Vote
campaign, which began in January, 2007, came to a close at
midnight, April 29, 2007. There were over 1 million votes cast
(987,063 by computer and 70,000 by paper ballot) from 53
countries, representing every continent except Antarctica. There
were 1,300 downloads for teaching purposes in educational
The winning bird,
with 491,572 votes, was announced at a media event on May 2,
2007. In second place was MIKADO
PHEASANT, with 277,178 votes. The random draw for prizes (20
Olympus digital cameras) took place; 19 names were drawn by
computer, and one, on paper, drawn by hand. Winners have been
notified, and the prizes will be mailed promptly. MORE
Rare Bird: Desert Wheatear at

Desert Wheatear Oenanthe deserti spent two weeks
(January 28 to February 16) near Dacheng (Tacheng) city in
southwestern Changhua
County. Photos by Dr. Wang Yu-quen.
Desert Wheatear is an “Old World Flycatcher.” This species is
fairly common in stony deserts. Its breeding range is Arabia, the
Middle East to Mongolia, western Himalayas; west, north and
central China and the Tibetan Plateau. The wintering range
includes Arabia, northeast Africa, Pakistan and northwest India.
Desert Wheatear is
classed as “Vagrant” in Taiwan. There have been five records:
the most recent in Changhua
County (above); October 2004, Yehliu; 1997, Matsu; May 1995,
Penghu Islands; April 1989, Lanyu Island.
Rare birds: Tundra Swans,
Winter 2006–2007

A family of five Tundra Swans Cygnus columbianus
bewickii has been wintering on the west coast of
They have ranged from south to north, back and forth, from Tainan
to Hsinchu. Photo by Mark Wilkie.
Asian race of Tundra Swan, C. c. bewickii (sometimes
Olor columbianus bewickii) was formerly considered a separate
species, called Bewick’s Swan. It was named for Thomas Bewick
(1753–1828), British engraver, who specialized in illustrations of
birds and animals.
c. bewickii breeds across most of high-Arctic Siberia.
Western populations winter in Europe; eastern populations winter
chiefly in eastern Asia, mostly in Japan, Korea and China. It is
“Vagrant” in Taiwan.
earliest record in Taiwan is of a party of 12 in the Taoyuan area
in mid-November, 1929. On December 6, 1929, hunters shot five of
them; the remaining seven escaped. Further known records are from
1971, 1976, 1989 and January 25, 2003.
BirdLife International considers the population of C. c.
bewickii to be Stable.
Rare Birds: Common Crane and
Black-chinned Fruit-Dove

A Common Crane Grus grus and a juvenile
Black-chinned Fruit-Dove Ptilinopus leclancheri
Taiwan in February, 2007. The crane was at Ilan (Ee-lan);
the fruit-dove was at Kaohsiung.
The Wild Bird Society of Taipei classes both as “Vagrant” in
Common Crane breeds in northern Eurasia and winters in
northern Africa, southern India and Southeast Asia. It is
becoming rare.
presently-known range of the Black-chinned Fruit-Dove is
the Philippines and Palawan. However, some authors recognize an
endemic subspecies, P. l. taiwanus, on Lanyu
Island. Its status there is unclear at this time.
S. Dillon. 1962. A new subspecies of the Black-chinned Fruit
Pigeon IN Proceedings of the Biological Society of
Washington, Vol. 75.
Rare Geese at Ilan (Ee-lan)
A small party of
Swan Geese Anser cygnoides, was present
during January, 2007 at Ilan. A few Bean Geese Anser
fabalis arrived at the same time. Both species of geese
are classed as “Vagrant” in Taiwan.
former breeding range of the Swan Goose (the ancestor of
the domesticated “Chinese Goose”) extended widely across eastern
Siberia into northern China and Mongolia, but the present
breeding range is severely fragmented. Swan Goose numbers have
been in decline since the beginning of the year 1900. The
remaining population (perhaps only 300–400 pairs) breeds
primarily in steppe and forested steppe marshes and lakesides of
eastern Siberia. The former wintering range included
Korea, Japan and a large part of eastern China; now it is
regular only in a smaller area of eastern China.
Goose is listed as Endangered on the 2006 IUCN* Red
List (as evaluated by BirdLife International) because its
population is declining very rapidly as a result of habitat
loss, particularly to agricultural development, and
unsustainable levels of hunting.
for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
Bean Goose breeds across northern Europe and Asia. The
two major wintering areas are temperate lowlands of Europe and
East Asia. In East Asia, the chief wintering areas are China,
Korea, and Japan.
Pacific Seabird Group
to Meet in Taiwan

The Pacific Seabird Group, an international organization
dedicated to the study of Pacific Ocean seabirds and their
environment, will hold a conference in
Lugang, Taiwan, in
early October, 2007. The event will be co-chaired by Dr.
Robert Butler, Senior Research Scientist, Environment Canada’s
Canadian Wildlife Service and Adjunct Professor of Biological
Sciences at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia; Dr.
Ron Ydenberg, Professor, Director of the Centre for
Wildlife Ecology at Simon Fraser University; Director of Pacific
Seabird Group, and
Simon Liao,
Taiwan International Birding Association. A planning meeting was
held in Vancouver, BC, Canada on December 9, 2006. Those present
were Dr. Robert Butler, Gloria Candido, Dr. Peter Candido, Gail
Kenner, Dr. Rex Kenner, Simon Liao, Jo Ann MacKenzie, Tom
Middleton, Karen Shih and Dr. Shing-Kuo Shih.

in Taiwan